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Hierarchy of Spiritual Authority in Nigerian Christianity over the years- II



Hierarchy of Spiritual Authority in Nigerian Christianity over the years

from part 1

After, his departure, there were a lot of ministers who walked the miraculous too, but not at the same level with Apostle Babalola, not too long, a man caught the prayer mantle and begin to gather men together, for prayers and meetings of teachings on Holiness and living a life that pleases the lord, been an illiterate, he could not do so much, but the prayers and the teachings were strong enough to raise a standard body of Christ, as “Saints”.

And the person here is Pa Josiah Akindayomi, who founded the Redeemed Christian Church of God, he was a Yoruba preacher and had Enoch adejare Adeboye has his Interpreter in English, he was privilege to visit America and be under Kenneth E. Hagin’s ministration, while HAgin was ministering, he was led by the spirit to go tell Pa Akindayomi, that what God promised him will still be done, since Akindayomi only understands Yoruba, Adeboye his interpreter quickly explain the prophecy to him in Yoruba, and what God actually told Pa Akindayomi was that, The Church “RCCG” will go global and have branches worldwide.

This was not considered a possibility as at then, since even Akindayomi can not speak in Yoruba.

But for the fulfillment of God’s word, after the departure of Pa Akindayomi, it was written in his document that according to divine leading, Enoch Adeboye is going to take the lead as the General Overseer over the redeemed church.

This was obeyed, and the interpreter became a Pastor, in person of Pastor E.A Adeboye.

Now before i continue with this, in between the line, we had certain men who came on the platform also with tangible impacts to proof the workings of the spirit and power of God in the lives of men.

Benson Idahosa is a man of innumerable impacts in the body f Christ in Nigeria, we don’t have Idahosa anymore today, but everyone who caught the grace and mantle upon his live are doing mighty works today.

Spiritual Authority

Benson was a young boy with nothing special about him, just normal like every other persons, but he was playing ball when he mistakenly/deliberately hit a man of God, the consequence was a heavy stomach ache, which the man of God prayed for him and led him to Christ, he joined the church and began to attend services, he was serious with God, he heard one day during the Sunday service that Jesus raised the dead back to life and we believers who have accepted JESUS can do the same in the name of JESUS.

This revelation birthed a reality in his spirit and he wanted to test it and know how true it was, he went out on monday searching everywhere for a dead body, until around 4pm, he found a house where they mourn and entered the house, saw the little girl corpse on the floor, he  prayed for the girl according to the scriptures and the miracle happened!

The girl came back to Life, on hearing this, the news spread abroad, people began to visit Idahosa at home, for healing and he ministered Healing to them and they were all healed, this was how the revival begins with Idahosa and that is what gave birth to Church of God Mission in Benin City, Idahos as single-handedly dealt with witches, wizards, powers of darkness, diabolic and Occultic powers in Nigeria and in Benin City… His impact still speaks till today.

Idahos has practically proved mind blowing order of Dominion and Power over the kingdom of Darkness in our Nation.

He’ ministered in quiet a lot of foreign countries while he was alive, his major friend from United state was Evangelist T.L Osborn.

Idahosa also began the teaching of Word of Faith in Nigeria with the Charismatic move of the spirit, mighty deliverance and healing, the impact of Idahosa in pulling down the kingdom of darkness and their evil agenda in Nigeria is no small.

He delivered Benin city in his time (which use to be the city of Blood as at that time).

Great men like Reinhard Bonnke, Bishop Oyedepo, Chris Oyakhlome, Apostle Johnson Suleman, Archbishop Nicolas Duncan Williams all caught mantles and connected to the grace of Benson Idahosa and we can see it at work in their lives and ministry today.

Idahosa was a man of Power and boldness, he has once said that, the name Idahosa means “I hear God often”and that is why he is called Idahosa.

He had issues with media and the political leaders of his time, but non of them could stop him.

He walk into Presidents and gave them charge and warning as sent by God without any iota of fear, he gives them warning and those who didn’t obey, failed death consequence, he was a Voice in the land!

He held a tangible position in the Hierarchy of Spiritual Authority in Nigeria, after Babalola, i can say Idahosa is the next great man of Tangible power and great grace to both do exploits in Ministry and liberate his generation.

Idahosa also teaches on prosperity and wealth of the kingdom, making the people understand that it is God’s will for them to prosper and live in wealth, some religious folks of his time had issues with this teachings, however it is part of what liberate our nation and the body of Christ today.

There is a whole lot to write and share about Archbishop Benson Idahosa, he was a terror to the kingdom of Darkness and even the political system and Leadership of the nation were afraid of him.

He also started the Idea of Church running a University, with Benson Idahosa University and the Hospital, which are medium through which, the Nation is highly impacted and served by the Church, to the end that the kingdom of God is glorified!

There was a young man who caught some fire of revival through the word of God and he is a good friend to Pa Akindayomi, and that is Williams Folorunsho Kumuyi, he preaches and teachers solely on Righteousness.

Pastor W.F Kumuyi, started as a Mathematics Lecturer, but with a deep knowledge of God, he was consider a good spiritual counselor in bible teachings, so many students visits him to have clarity over Bible questions they don’t understand, when the number of those who come asking questions increased, he decided to fix a bible study class for theme very week, this class grew within a short period of time and they had to get a hall, after a while, it grew to 50,000 attendees who came to hear the word of Righteousness and their Christian Live is greatly impacted, they now walk with the lord in referential fear and obedience.

This move was what gave birth to Deeper Life Bible Church with the headquarter in Lagos Nigeria.

Kumuyi has held quit a lot of crusades and meetings all across the nations of the world and there as been such an explosive miracles, signs and wonders, healing of the deadliest diseases and sickness are instantly and on the spot!

Apparently, he is a teacher of the word of God, and also a truly prophet with accurate discernment and wisdom.

Deeper Life is one of the most reputable churches that as saved many souls in Nigeria and other nations of the earth.

After the Departure of Pa Akindayomi, Pastor E.A Adeboye was ordain as the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God and his impact by grace as brought the prophecy of Pa Akindayomi into a reality today, RCCG Church is currently in almost all the nations of the earth today.

Pastor Adeboye is a Spiritual Father and a Voice in Nigeria currently, he holds the mantle of Authority in Nigeria Spiritual Hierarchy, the wonders of God in his meetings, services and ministration are notable feature to prove the Power of God is at work in him.

Daddy Adeboye (as he is usually referred to) ends every of his sermons with an altar call for salvation of souls, and its so amazing to see how much people do come out to give their lives to Christ, the anointing is so compelling that people will be rushing to the altar to surrender their lives to Christ, by the virtue of laying of hands, he as impacted so many Great ministers both in Nigeria and all around the world, which includes; Bishop David Oyedepo, Apostle Johnson Suleman and many more.

I would say, he has raised s many dead back to Life,He is pastor, a teacher, and a Prophet!  He’s indeed a prophet unto Nations, he is a blessing to the kingdom of God and to the body of Christ Globally.

The Redemption Camp, which is an annual convention in RCCG as been noted with diverse miracles, testimonies, and breakthroughs. The RCCG Camp has the largest Auditorium in Nigeria presently.

Pastor Adeboye is a Blessed man, indeed the voice of a true servant and prophet of God, and he as in countless ways been a blessing to the body of Christ, there are so many parts of Nigeria right now, where the gospel wouldn’t have reached if not for the tired less outreach endeavors of Pastor Adeboye and his ministry.

There use to be a young man who got saved in high school and as ever been serious minded with God, praying, serving God and the interest of his kingdom, saving souls and all of that passionately following the Lord, his impact is amazing, he’s indeed a true Prophet, whom God walks with, confirming his words with Signs and Wonders and i am talking about Bishop David Olaniyi Oyedepo.

This man of God is a die-hard lover of God, a passionate lover of God and his kingdom, he was enroute to Osun state in – to visit a newly saved soul in their church those days, he didn’t meet the man at home, so he decided to stay in an hotel till the next day, kneeling down to pray, was the beginning of an encounter with the spirit of God which lasted for 18-hours.

God gave him a mandate, “LIBERATION MANDATE” Which says “The hour as come to go liberate the world from every Oppression of the Devil through the preaching of the word of Faith, and i am sending you to undertake this task!”.

This was how the journey began, right before that time, Oyedepo was already a terror to the kingdom of Darkness, with manifestations of the power of God in his meetings and even in normal day Life.

Bishop David Oyedepo is so filled with the power of God that, there is almost no miracles and wonders that does not happen anywhere he appears.

Spiritual Authority

Raising the dead happens cheaply, the lame walk, the blind eyes open, the barren women are becoming fruitful, madness, insanity are healed! All kinds of manifestations are therein to prove the power of God upon the life of this great man of God.

Bishop Oyedepo is a man who understands the need for equipping via mentor-ship, he consider Kenneth E. Hagin as his Father, he as read all the Books of Kenneth Hagin, T.L Osborn, Kenneth Copeland, E.W Kenyon, Yungi Cho and some other great ministers of God all across the world.

Bishop Oyedepo is the founder of Living Faith Church in Nigeria, (Winners Chapel International) with so many church networks across the nation of the world.

Faith Tabernacle in Otta Lagos state is the Church Headquarter which is a 50,000 seater capacity, it runs 5 services daily with up to 5th Overflow been observed every week.

Bshop Oyedepo is the custodian of the word of Faith movement presently in Nigeria and even n the world, he practically caught the mantle of Kenneth E. Hagin by divine encounter and we can see the impact in his life today, he is considered to be the Richest Pastor Globally with a networth of USD$150-million.

The impact of Oyedepo as brought about a massive church growth scheme which enables many to be saved, planed in the church and serving the lord while been blessed and the nation is been transformed.

There is so much to write and document about the life and ministry of Bishop David Oyedepo, his books, mantles, cloth, sermons, tapes as been recorded to have walked mighty miracles, signs and wonders for people all around the world.

In short, Bishop Oyedepo was really sent by God to liberate man kind from all oppression of the devil, Nigeria is blessed both spiritually and Financially by the impact of the ministry of Bishop Oyedepo.

Pastor Paul Enenche : An Abuja based pastor who operates the charismatic move of the spirit and Healing, he is one of the major Apostolic voices in Nigeria right now. Pastor Paul enenche as been passionate about the lord longtime since those days at the University.

His passion made him to embark on a 3-days dry fasting on the mountain to seek the Lord for direction towards the journey of his Life, he was a graduate and a certified Doctor, after the 3-days encounter, he heard God calling him to ministry in Abuja, so he moved down to Abuja with his Wife.

That is what Birthed the Dunamis Christian Center Abuja today, an atmosphere of the manifestation of the Power and the Spirit of God.

He is apostolic by teachings, but he operates the healing and prophetic, he is indeed a Voice in Nigeria, and amazingly, he is submitted by divine direction to the leadership of Bishop Oyedepo, which both himself and his church honor and look up to as a Father in the Faith.

The Kingdom, Power and Glory convention as always been characterize with healing, destiny recovery, destruction of the hold of darkness and agenda of the kingdom of hell.

The move of God in Dunamis Christian Center Abuja and even the testimonies around the world in their various church networks is amazing.

The truth, the spiritual impact of the Church is the crucial aspect of the church, which must never be neglected nor  be replace.

Thank God for industrial and infrastructural impacts, but the spiritual liberation of men by redemption is still the sole importance of the church and also the main advantage of the church over the world and over the political leadership of any nation.

D.K Olukoya : This is the man behind the Mountain of fire and miracle Christian Church in Nigeria with branches all the nations of the world.


I must say, this man is on fire, he focus on Deliverance and Prayer, and the church as been liberated, the nation as been greatly transformed by MFM in various ways. Crusades, church services, monthly program (Power must change hands), apostolic visitations among others are various channels through which MFM as been a great blessing to the body of Christ in Nigeria.

D.K Olukoya is a deep teacher of the world, i have been under his ministration many times and my life as been transformed. He is indeed a prophet, and he operates deep healing sessions.

There as been a lot of supernatural manifestations to prove that truly and indeed God is working with them.

Even as they focus on raising great strong believers, they also hold deliverance sessions, healing, they held diverse long term fasting and prayer to provoke the hand of God in any direction they please, there is so much that God as done and he is yet going to do via this ministry, but i must say D.K Olukoya is indeed one of the custodian of the move of God in Nigeria right now.

Apostle Johnson Suleman : You will be amaze at the story of the life of this man and his ministry, he was actually an house boy in Archbishop Benson Idahos’s House those days way back in the days at Benin city, so he knew the archbishop right from time and loved him. he takes note of almost everything the archbishop does, his prayer life, his study life and everything that powers the happenings in his ministry.

He’s the founder of Omega Fire Christian Ministry in Nigeria, with branches in more in not less than 40 Nations of the Earth today.

The Church Headquarter is located in Auchi and there as been countless mighty moves of GOD during his ministration.

He is a blessed man, and he operates practically the Prophetic, though he is Apostolic by construction and even in the delivery of the word of God and agenda of God for the now, he is an Apostle!

He has had various kinds of experiences and non was able to stop him, he keep soaring high and high daily.

He is a true son of the Archbishop Idahosa, he mention and reference the Archbishop in almost every of his services.

He is a man of strategic prayer, he conducts deliverance and healing, raised dead over and over again, he is a true custodian of the move of God in Nigeria ( i so much like him). He’s a worshipper and a man who fears/love the Lord.

Chris Oyakhilome : This is a young man who caught some dangerous fire in his undergraduate days, kick-started a fellowship which as turned out to be a Big Charismatic Church in Nigeria today, he is a deep worshiper and just like John G. Lake and Benny Hinn, he is an Healing Minister.

He operates the Healing anointing practically well.

There as been a lot of controversial issues from the media against him and his ministry, however, we can not deny the spiritual impact of his calling, for it is so real in our world.

When Pastor Chris Oyakhilome started his ministry in Lagos, there were all kinds of healing and deliverance, breakthroughs that was recorded, the move was a strong one and we bless God that has helped them to keep and sustain the intensity even till now.

We choose to celebrate What God is doing through the lives of these men because so many as been rescue from the pit of hell in our nation because of their calling.

We pray that the lord bless these vessels of honor eternally and use them continually for his glory and our Nation(Nigeria) will never remain the same again.

I know, there are still lot of names that i didn’t mention in this article, you can do well to help me add them via the comment box below.


Written by Akanni Matthew

The post Hierarchy of Spiritual Authority in Nigerian Christianity over the years- II appeared first on ecclezzia.com.

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